Faithfulness of God
Faithfulness of God
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Kategori: Buku Rohani
Judul: Faithfulness of God
Subjudul: Hermeneutical Examination of Rebuilding the Temple in Ezra 1:1-11
Penulis: Pahala Jannen Simanjuntak
Penerbit: BPK Gunung Mulia
Buku Baru: 2024
Ukuran: 14,5 x 21 cm
Tebal: 252 halaman
Sampul: AC 230
Kertas: HVS 70 gr
Faithfulness of God: Hermeneutical Examination of Rebuilding the Temple in Ezra 1:1-11 provides a hermeneutical study of Ezra 1:1-11, focusing on the narrative of the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem after the return of the people of Judah from Babylon. Through the interpretation of this text, this book presents a theology that lies at the heart of biblical scripture, demonstrating God's unwavering faithfulness to His people throughout time. From the creation of the world, through the calling of Abraham, to the present day, God has consistently shown His steadfast love, particularly through His Son, Jesus Christ, who was sent into the world as the Savior (John 3:16).
This book will be published in two volumes. The first volume is a hermeneutical study of Ezra 1:1-11, while the second volume will explore the theological implications of Ezra 1:1-11 in the context of Indonesia. The second volume will be published after the completion of the first, as it still requires thorough preparation.
This is the first book to be published in English, as the writer’s previous works have been printed in Indonesian, including: Merajut Rekonsiliasi: Khotbah yang berpusat kepada Yesus Kristus sebagai Berita Injil (2019), Umat Allah dalam Konteks kemajemukan, Merajut Teologi Kontekstual di Indonesia (2020), Allah Berfirman, Teologia Kontekstual Gereja, Ucapan Syukur 25 Tahun Kependetaan (2021), and Merajut Rekonsiliasi 2: Teks-Teks Perjanjian Lama Yang berpusat pada Yesus Kristus (2023). All of these books were published by BPK Gunung Mulia, Jakarta.